
“Sharing my first newsletter as the Ohio delegate! Each state institution in the region elected one person to rep campus housing for their state, I won Ohio. It's a two year term and l'll make the welcome speech at the annual conference since it'll be hosted in Ohio this year. I just hosted a kick off meeting for a mentor mentee program initiative for senior housing directors. Got 30 participants! And I’m back on the volleyball court, starting cross fit on Monday. Thank you for helping me reconstruct. “

Octavia H. -Resident Director & 2024 Personal Reconstruction Participant

Fit Camp: Fitness Wellness Fusion Builds Strength & Endurance

Fit Camp: Fitness Wellness Fusion Builds Strength & Endurance ⋆

Our 2025 Fit Camp & Birth Workers of the Diaspora Rejuvenation Retreat Villa!




Passion • Power • Creation •



Mental, emotional, & physical health is one of the best gifts you can give your loved one.

We offer in person retreat experiences, personal one-on-one retreats, online workshops, & better self workbooks. Our offerings are rooted in a mind, body connection & total body rejuvenation in a safe and nourishing environment.


Rest. Reset. Recharge. Recalibrate

  • Balance Ur Frequency

    Balance Ur Frequency is a retreat that utilizes the medicinal properties of sound waves. Specific healing frequencies and sound waves resonate with our brainwave patterns, creating a powerful connection that can transform stress and anxiety into states of relaxation, tranquility, creativity, and mental clarity.

    Balance Ur Frequency is a reconnection portal for any individual 14+ that wants to take a dive into developing a deeper level of consciousness.

  • Birthworkers of the Diaspora: Rejuvenation Retreat

    "I trust my body, I trust my ability to birth my baby, I am strong and my baby is healthy." Affirmations such as this are said by some of the most powerful healers there are, birthworkers guide & encourage many women to dig deep within to perform one of the most beautiful miracles. This retreat is about honoring these "sheheroes", offering them a space of comfort, deep peace, & love with the intention that they will use this time for a re-set of the bodies energy centers.

    This powerful experience will offer stress relief, rest, recovery, insight, inspiration, personal growth, & guidance to assist you in navigating your better self journey with clarity and confidence.

  • Fit Camp: A Fitness Wellness Retreat

    Transformation & Wellbeing

    The FIT CAMP Retreat series I will transform your wellbeing & maximize your results for improved health. Fit camp will motivate, educate, & inspire you to get into the best shape of your life.

    Any individual 18+, at any fitness level from "just getting started" to "advanced", that wants to begin the process of transforming their relationship with fitness training, nutrition, & what a sense of wellbeing means on a day to day basis.

Make a contribution.


A study published in the National Council for mental well being revealed that the lack of access to both Eastern & Western mental health services may be the root cause for the mental health crisis in the United States. Two out of the 4 pillars that were measured were finances & access.

How will your donation be distributed?

As donations come in through this portal and other avenues, we distribute them evenly to those that qualify for assistance. At the start of our retreat year we gather a list of individuals that we know will benefits greatly from these contributions. Individuals that are already doing the necessary work throughout the year to overcome their traumas and mental health issues. This is very personal for us, it is our mission to help as many receptive individuals as we can to attend our life changing retreats yearly. Any left over funds will be carried over into the next year.

What you will gain?

Some retreat participants prefer to stay anonyms but those that don’t we send a short bio of the individuals that benefited from your contribution & which retreat they attended.

We also give you discounts on Bean Wellness products & services for the upcoming year. Finally, for most individuals your donation would be a tax write off at the end year.


Quick Statistics

USA 2022 Metal Health

  • Adult prevalence of metal illness, 50 Million Americans

  • Estimated 21 million adults in the US have had at least 1 depressive episode

  • Approx 70% of adults in the US have experienced one childhood traumatic event that they have not overcame

  • More than 33% of youths exposed to community violence will experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • 2016 NSCH published data, 46% of our nations youth age 17 & under report experiencing at least 1 trauma.

Top 5 Childhood Trauma

  1. Physical Abuse

  2. Verbal Abuse

  3. Sexual Abuse

  4. Physical Neglect

  5. Emotional Neglect